BUilding a coalition

The Americans for Innovation coalition invites members of all types: individuals, businesses, legislators, advocacy organizations, associations, and more. You don't have to be directly impacted by the Innovation Penalty. We are actively seeking members of all types, industries, and sizes throughout the USA. Our main goal is to demonstrate support for fixing Section 174 without delay, so join for free and we will add your logo!

The movement is entirely funded and managed by our most engaged members. Leadership seats are available.


Advocacy: Uniting Americans to rally for fair tax policies while promoting innovation in a grassroots advocacy campaign.

Lobbying: We’re strategizing our lobbying approaches, aiming for direct access to key lawmakers in the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees.

Solution Partner: Advocating for and offering a fully researched proposal that a lawmaker can put forth as an emergency exemption for vulnerable businesses by September 15th.

Specialized Loan Program: We’re teaming up with one or more partner banks to launch an exclusive loan program for AFI members in the event we are unsuccessful with a fix in the near term.

Member Levels

Pioneers: Investment $10,000, everything below + leadership committee seat

Disruptors:  Investment $5,000, everything below + voting rights

Innovators: Investment $1,000, everything below + priority logo display

Creators: Investment <$1,000, everything below + supporting our legislative efforts

Supporters: Free, display logo on website

Join The Coalition